For The Love of Travel

My favorite places, photos and stories

1/3/16 Salisbury Plain and Prion Island

Early morning visit to Salisbury Plain on the Bay of Islands. I decided not to do the sunrise zodiac landing and slept in to 7.15 – the 9am call for my group 3 was early enough for me!  The plain and tussock slope behind the Lucas glacier is home to one of the largest penguin rookeries in South Georgia with about 80,000 pairs.

We watched King penguins walk from the colony on the hillside, down through muddy guano (stumbling, falling and getting stuck in the muck – even to the point of ending beak down), and then heading off to the beach to get clean again. It was quite a sight.  DSC01015

You would think they would experience that once and would then signal to others to avoid that stretch of land, but no…..waves of different penguin groupings wandered down and repeated the experience…..

On our return to the zodiac, we suddenly saw a huge elephant seal heaving its way up the shore, landing on a moss covered landing with other seals and penguin. No other species were squished in this journey!  DSC01063

In the afternoon we visited Prion Island to see the magnificent Wandering Albatross nests. There are also some small seabirds, Prions, there. But our major goal was the albatross (4 metre wing span!). And we saw some Giant Petrels as well, and a little Petrel chick.  IMG_9188 DSC01101

Author: Lids

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Having worked for 3 decades, yes 3......I now plan to travel the globe and am excited about the journeys and adventures ahead. I'd like to share stories, experiences and maybe some inspirations with friends and family in real time...

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